Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the Past Few Months...

I have: A) Made a Person
B) Had a Person
C) Neglected the Blog
D) Run around like a chicken with its head cut off
E) Most of the above

It is true, one of the main tasks in life is to figure out what you have to say. However, it is also true that it is vital for the human race to understand and need and want and examine who we are. Over the past month or so, yes, I have neglected you blog, but I have been accomplishing much...many things you would be proud of if you actually were a person rather than a person(ified). In the beginning, I believed I would have so much time to blog...then my life became a blur as I tried to understand anatomy enough to build a person...

a person out of dog bone, fabric, noodles, chicken wire and love, blood, sweat and tears. For an anatomy project to strictly learn the bones in the body (all 206) of them, our crazy anatomy teacher decided to allow us to make a skeleton, which if I do say so myself was utterly stressful and difficult. After a month of solid work, we finished. Then, it was time to produce physical labor... on the pioneer trek, which is another post in itself. Maybe I will have time to blog some this promises though.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter to all!!!!! And to all a good day!!!!!!!!

I have failed at my attempt to post everyday. Sorry to all who read this and to myself as I had vowed (sort of) to blog daily. This Easter has been great so far. The Easter Bunny was great to us this year at the Hughes household and maintained all traditions(my brother thought the bunny forgot our money egg tradition, but it was indeed just buried. Dinner tonight sounds amazing as it is also Sam's birthday, it has to be extra special. My Dad is grilling shrimp and halibut and making an orange dressing to go with it along with rosemary gold potatoes and a chocolate cake. I am sure there is a vegetable involved, but he neglected to specify which one. Today in church Duce had us all talk about food, which is a tradition in our class each week, it does not usually last the whole hour, however today it did. We learned how to fry chicken Clemon's style and how to throw down some grub Duce style. It was a lot of fun to just enjoy everyone's company and make my salivary glands burst. Awesome!!!!! Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Course of Life

Some people believe there is good and evil dwelling within a single person, some believe only one character trait could exist ever, still others believe good always wins. This in fact is not true. It is like the talk of good, better, best. Today just happens to fit that category. It started out amazing, woke up for seminary on time and even was able to continue working on Spanish homework I had lingering from the night before. Through school I was alert and focused, and most of the time passed quickly which is always a plus. After school I got piano practice in and was able to relax...however I relaxed too much and am now sitting here, when in reality I should be doing yet another Spanish assignment which I will probably not do until early tomorrow morning. That has been the course of my life lately, procrastinator until I JUST HAVE to do it. I did not use to be like this, however, the lack of energy lately has caused me to put things off and just want to get on this little beauty or watch TV, turning my brain to mush. Oh well. Have a fabulous day!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A productive Day

Today was just grand...not perfect, but grand. The first day back to seminary, and was able to get up with little problem, except got up 40 minutes before I HAD to and could not get back to sleep, so that was a drag, but had a fabulous spiritual day at seminary and was on some crazed spiritual high for most of the day...kind of crazy. Was able to come home and vegg, but it was totally fun and enjoyable and played some piano. After that I went to mutual, which was fun. We wrote to the missionaries and had great laughs and fun spiritual experiences too. That's basically the day in a nutshell, nothing exciting, but when I have more time I will try to entice you all in some great intellect ha ha. Have a great night!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Today is a special day. It truly marks the beginning of the long haul in many respects. It marks the point of no return in school as we just finished our last long break, it marks the beginning of Rocco's life with older sisters. It marks the dreaded scars in my mind of items I NEED to get done. And it marks the distance of Christ's actual birth, and the day the Church was established. Truly a spectacular day April 6. In other news... I got to hold my little Rocco, it was precious!!!! And definitely not long enough. 45 minutes zooms by fast with babies. Maybe tomorrow will hold another time slot for baby time!!!! Have a fabulous April 6th evening!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

I believe this past General Conference was the best. Jeffery R. Holland, Deiter F. Uchtdorf and Neil L. Anderson, the new apostle, gave spectacular talks. I attended 3 of 4 sessions, due to ACT testing, but cannot wait to watch the other session this week. After I watch the first session on Saturday which I missed, I will share all my favorite conference tidbits and big bits. Tune in next time for the 179th Annual General Conference Catherine's favorites. Until then, Have a great evening!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break... The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Spring Break is rapidly coming to a close. Meteorologists generally define 4 seasons in many climatic areas, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn (or Fall). These are demarcated by the values of their average temperatures on a monthly basis, with each season lasting 3 months. The 3 warmest months are by definition Summer, the 3 coldest months are Winter, and the intervening gaps are Spring and Autumn. Spring, when defined in this manner, can start on different dates in different regions. In the vast majority of northern-hemisphere locations, Spring occurs during the months of March, April and May. However, in the Temecula Valley, some believe Spring Break should merely be thrown in the calendar at any random time. This year the genius people who are teaching us as students decided to prohibit the idea of having our true Spring holiday (Easter) over SPRING Break. Wow!!! What a novel idea!!!! Maybe we should award them a solid gold star for their creative way of excluding Christian holidays. Instead however, I managed to enjoy parts of my break. During week one, I vegged, got lazy, neglected my piano, read, watched TV, and then my parents FINALLY decided to take us to Disneyland for Wednesday and Thursday. It was a BLAST!!!! Following that and inbetween my bored state, I babysat so little Rocco Zan(see previous post) could bake as long as possible :) Before the day of his birth however, I was not needed(saving my energy for the 7-5 shift for the twins), so I got lazy again. As I sit here typing however, I am missing my break already. Totally excited for learning, but reluctant to start doing the dreaded homework. Oh well, maybe something magniicent will happen!!!! Have a marvelous day!!!!!!